Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Lupus: Conduct

                                                               Lupus: Conduct

Lupus is a protect disability according to rules and regulations of the Social Security Administration. However Lupus must have a lot of documentation and credentials before meeting the standard protection (SSA). Due to SLE being a varied disease and often misdiagnosed. One must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is a positive SLE. In doing so one must remember the ethical and legal standards to uphold when handling a case regarding Lupus. Most employers will hire a person with SLE however if there are physical characteristics employers may decline. Although not legal but within the rights to not be able to accommodation visual flare ups.


Legal and Ethical Concerns

The ethical component of Lupus is what can and cannot be done. As previously stated under some circumstances employers may decline work to a person with SLE. If a person with Lupus have visual flare ups such as skin lesions and/or facial rashes. Although ethically one might say it is illegal, it will depend on the job responsibilities. The ADA says employers may provide reasonable accommodation; however some jobs do not qualify (Lupus Net, 2020).  For example a model has Lupus and is hired for campaign ad. If said model has a facial flare up the model can be removed and/or fired from that project (Behnke, 2009). It is within the rights of the employer to refuse employment to someone they feel cannot complete the duties. In some professions it is just impossible to accommodate disabilities. Some professions in general are the cause of ethical dilemmas.


Is Meeting the Letter of the Law Sufficient?

The legal portion of the law is the basic requirements. It gives a guideline of what is needed to comply with the rules and regulations. No matter if it does not remove barriers for disabilities. For example Lupus patients are to limit sun exposure. This includes riding in vehicles rather personal or using transportation services. The law may have a requirement scale of ten percent, but the general patients using that service requires twenty-five. Legally the company is adhering to the disability. In this case the law is not sufficient as it is causing patients harm with using the services. Disabilities are evolving with additional information and medical treatments. With these changes come health changes. Some are positive while others are negative. It is never sufficient enough to just go by what the law requires if more can be achieved. If needs change, the law changes and our perception of the quality of life. 

Discuss and Illustrate the Spirit of the Law

The Spirit of the Law represents the passion of initiative and equality. It is an ethical passion that surpasses standard assistance. Basically if you want to do something right, do it right the first time (Parks, 2010). For Lupus it is well received within some workplaces. This can be seen when employers have set adjustments for schedules if a person is disabled. Some employers offer ways to maintain employment such as saving vacation, personal and sick time. Personally one can choose to alter their working environments. As seen recently it has shown remote work can increase productivity and boost moral within the company. The spirit of law assists with the acceptance of disabilities.


Potential Issues Impact on the Individual

Learning to accept ones disability as just a fact of life can help destigmatize perceptions. It can also bring relief. Lupus is just so complexed that it impacts the majority of everything and everyone. Daily life may change with medical treatments and increased changes in the body.  Psychologically the individual may begin to grieve their life (Marini & Stebnick, 2018). Not understanding the illness is one of the major setbacks with SLE. Having a disease with no answers brings its own frustrations and misconceptions about the, what’s and whys. It is imperative that the patient seek therapy and speak with a health care profession if experiencing any distress.


Impact on Family/Friend, Environment, and Society

Living with Lupus can also have a negative impact on family and friends that do not understand the disease. Many SLE patients hear the phrase you don’t look sick (DarkDeeps, 2013). This is the new norm of aggressive environment and society in which one must advocate.

 (DarkDeeps, 2013)



Behnke, S. (2009, June). Disability as an ethical issue. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from American Psychological Association: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/06/ethics

DarkDeeps. (2013, October 27). BUT YOU DON’T LOOK SICK…. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from WordPress: https://lupiethoughts.wordpress.com/2013/10/27/but-you-dont-look-sick/

Lupus Net. (2020, January 15). Working With Lupus. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from Lupus.net: https://lupus.net/career

Marini, I., & Stebnick, M. A. (2018). The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability 7th Ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Parks, K. (2010, August 10). Context of Disability - Spirit of Law. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEjidoTQlTU

SSA. (n.d.). Disability Evaluation Under Social Security. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from Social Security: https://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/14.00-Immune-Adult.htm

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Lupus: Conduct

                                                                Lupus: Conduct Lupus is a protect disability according to rules and regula...