Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Lupus: Conduct

                                                               Lupus: Conduct

Lupus is a protect disability according to rules and regulations of the Social Security Administration. However Lupus must have a lot of documentation and credentials before meeting the standard protection (SSA). Due to SLE being a varied disease and often misdiagnosed. One must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is a positive SLE. In doing so one must remember the ethical and legal standards to uphold when handling a case regarding Lupus. Most employers will hire a person with SLE however if there are physical characteristics employers may decline. Although not legal but within the rights to not be able to accommodation visual flare ups.


Legal and Ethical Concerns

The ethical component of Lupus is what can and cannot be done. As previously stated under some circumstances employers may decline work to a person with SLE. If a person with Lupus have visual flare ups such as skin lesions and/or facial rashes. Although ethically one might say it is illegal, it will depend on the job responsibilities. The ADA says employers may provide reasonable accommodation; however some jobs do not qualify (Lupus Net, 2020).  For example a model has Lupus and is hired for campaign ad. If said model has a facial flare up the model can be removed and/or fired from that project (Behnke, 2009). It is within the rights of the employer to refuse employment to someone they feel cannot complete the duties. In some professions it is just impossible to accommodate disabilities. Some professions in general are the cause of ethical dilemmas.


Is Meeting the Letter of the Law Sufficient?

The legal portion of the law is the basic requirements. It gives a guideline of what is needed to comply with the rules and regulations. No matter if it does not remove barriers for disabilities. For example Lupus patients are to limit sun exposure. This includes riding in vehicles rather personal or using transportation services. The law may have a requirement scale of ten percent, but the general patients using that service requires twenty-five. Legally the company is adhering to the disability. In this case the law is not sufficient as it is causing patients harm with using the services. Disabilities are evolving with additional information and medical treatments. With these changes come health changes. Some are positive while others are negative. It is never sufficient enough to just go by what the law requires if more can be achieved. If needs change, the law changes and our perception of the quality of life. 

Discuss and Illustrate the Spirit of the Law

The Spirit of the Law represents the passion of initiative and equality. It is an ethical passion that surpasses standard assistance. Basically if you want to do something right, do it right the first time (Parks, 2010). For Lupus it is well received within some workplaces. This can be seen when employers have set adjustments for schedules if a person is disabled. Some employers offer ways to maintain employment such as saving vacation, personal and sick time. Personally one can choose to alter their working environments. As seen recently it has shown remote work can increase productivity and boost moral within the company. The spirit of law assists with the acceptance of disabilities.


Potential Issues Impact on the Individual

Learning to accept ones disability as just a fact of life can help destigmatize perceptions. It can also bring relief. Lupus is just so complexed that it impacts the majority of everything and everyone. Daily life may change with medical treatments and increased changes in the body.  Psychologically the individual may begin to grieve their life (Marini & Stebnick, 2018). Not understanding the illness is one of the major setbacks with SLE. Having a disease with no answers brings its own frustrations and misconceptions about the, what’s and whys. It is imperative that the patient seek therapy and speak with a health care profession if experiencing any distress.


Impact on Family/Friend, Environment, and Society

Living with Lupus can also have a negative impact on family and friends that do not understand the disease. Many SLE patients hear the phrase you don’t look sick (DarkDeeps, 2013). This is the new norm of aggressive environment and society in which one must advocate.

 (DarkDeeps, 2013)



Behnke, S. (2009, June). Disability as an ethical issue. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from American Psychological Association: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/06/ethics

DarkDeeps. (2013, October 27). BUT YOU DON’T LOOK SICK…. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from WordPress: https://lupiethoughts.wordpress.com/2013/10/27/but-you-dont-look-sick/

Lupus Net. (2020, January 15). Working With Lupus. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from Lupus.net: https://lupus.net/career

Marini, I., & Stebnick, M. A. (2018). The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability 7th Ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Parks, K. (2010, August 10). Context of Disability - Spirit of Law. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEjidoTQlTU

SSA. (n.d.). Disability Evaluation Under Social Security. Retrieved June 22, 2021, from Social Security: https://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/14.00-Immune-Adult.htm

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Lupus: Challenges and Accommodations


Lupus: Challenges and Accommodations 


 (Piga & Arnaud, 2021)

Lupus can be seen as pie chart full of challenges. The client is in the center of that chart, each piece represents a part of them. Either a part cannot be fixed or if fixed will be affecting another part. This is Lupus treatment. Any form of treatment can cause side effects that can negatively impact the patient. Even, if it is necessary for the survival of the patient, there are consequences for every treatment option.

Challenges and Solutions

 (Azeal Dermatology Institute, 2020)

The most common form of Lupus is the SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus). When referring to Lupus, SLE is primarily what is being discussed. However there are other types such as Neonatal (NLE), Subacute Cutaneous (SCLE) and Discoid (DLE) (Azeal Dermatology Institute, 2020). Additionally there are Chronic Cutaneous (CCLE), Drug-Induced and Childhood SLE (Johns Hopkins Lupus Center). With the variation types of Lupus it is understandable that different challenges may arise. All Lupus types may come with some form of physical impairment such as rashes. This could be a challenge for someone in a face to face work environment. There are also the fatigue and pain factors that are associated with the disease. There are simple solutions to fix these issues such as pain medication. Working from a virtual environment verses on site employment. Having things such as FMLA and paid leaves available and utilize them when ill. 

Challenges and Issues for Family Members

 (Lupus Foundation of America, 2013)

The Lupus recipient does not only have to focus on the challenges with the work environment but the challenges amongst family. One of the first is fear of it being genetic. Although not scientifically proven, some family members believe that they too will have Lupus (CDC, 2018). Especially if the patient has children it is the fear of their children potentially having the disease. With not much information and ongoing research on Lupus there is no guarantee that Lupus is not possibly genetic. Aside from the immediate fear, the changes in activity can be very difficult to handle. For an active person now becoming inactive and/or house bound can change the family’s dynamics. The family or the person with Lupus can start to feel lonely and isolated (Lupus Foundation of America, 2013). This is important to acknowledge as a person may began to feel the stages of grief without there being a death (Marini & Stebnick, 2018).

Issues in Societal Areas and Solutions (accommodations)

First Lupus is a protected disability, as with any disability it does not require employees to disclose to their employer. Later on in the employment if one becomes ill often it may be beneficial to disclose at that time. However, if a client is active and living and working with Lupus no information is obligated to be given. In other settings such as school and excreta many choose to complete schooling online. There is no need to go to in class settings if not mandatory. The goal is to learn to live with the disease and restructure life around it.

Mainstreaming the Child/Adolescent 

With children and school this can be very different as their needs may change with growth. In assisting children with Lupus it is beneficial to notify the school about the child’s illness. Often times the child may miss school thus require alternate means of completing assignments. Educational plans such as IEPs can assist with staying on top of the child’s needs regardless of where teachings are being received (Lupus Foundation of America). If for any reason the child stays in class there can be a care plan and medication times in place. The goal is to ensure treatment is available for the child regardless of location.

Societal Awareness and Accommodations

 (Lupus Foundation of America)

Awareness of the disease could help medical professionals and peers see signs of Lupus sooner. The plus is that Lupus does not require many accommodations besides tinted window seating areas in restaurants. Including case by case employment and/or school adjustments that would be readily available if aware of the disease. School and working environments are great gateways of introducing Lupus to the world. No matter the type of Lupus one may have many suffer in silence. This is in fear that those around them will not understand what they are going through and why. This is true as many do not even know that Lupus exist until diagnosed. A recent study showed that even amongst those of medical professionals and family, Lupus was hard to explain. Many sought variety of ways of receiving services from medical professionals and even with information available. Some medical professionals were unaware of the specifics when it came to treating SLE (Leung, Ra, Baker, & Kim, 2019)


Azeal Dermatology Institute. (2020). Lupus Treatment. Retrieved June 15, 2021, from Azeal Dermatology Institute: https://www.azealderm.com/autoimmune-skin-disorders-boulder/

CDC. (2018, October 17). Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Retrieved June 15, 2021, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/lupus/facts/detailed.html

Johns Hopkins Lupus Center. (n.d.). Types of Lupus. Retrieved June 15, 2021, from Johns Hopkins Lupus Center: https://www.hopkinslupus.org/lupus-info/types-lupus/

Leung, J., Ra, J., Baker, E. A., & Kim, A. H. (2019, April 22). “…Not Having the Real Support That We Need”: Patients’ Experiences With Ambiguity of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Erosion of Social Support. Retrieved June 16, 2021, from NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6858040/

Lupus Foundation of America. (2013, July 09). Managing the impact of lupus on your family. Retrieved June 15, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America: https://www.lupus.org/resources/managing-the-impact-of-lupus-on-your-family

Lupus Foundation of America. (n.d.). Assistance at school for children with lupus. Retrieved June 16, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America: https://www.lupus.org/resources/assistance-at-school-for-children-with-lupus

Lupus Foundation of America. (n.d.). Lupus Awareness Month Tools. Retrieved June 16, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America: https://www.lupus.org/lupus-awareness-month/lupus-awareness-month-toolkit

Marini, I., & Stebnick, M. A. (2018). The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability 7th Ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Piga, M., & Arnaud, L. (2021, January 11). The Main Challenges in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Where. Retrieved June 15, 2021, from The Journal of Clinical Medicine: file:///C:/Users/School%20Only/Downloads/jcm-10-00243-v2.pdf

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Lupus: C.T.M.

 Lupus: C.T.M.

(Health One Family Medicine)

            Lupus is a lifestyle adjustment, it is silent and resilient. It gives the common phrase believe what one see and not what one hear true meaning. Lupus survivors are good at hiding what they feel. Silence is one of the coping mechanisms patients use to get through the day. This is also one of the reasons family, friends and spouses are not able to assist them when in need.  

Psychological Concepts

It is okay to believe that one can do it alone. Yet is not fact, a support system can help with mental stability. Being overwhelmed and stress will not assist a person in getting better. In fact it can do the exact opposite. Psychologically one must remain sound and know when to give up control and ask for help. Two of the main psychological disorders amongst Lupus recipients are anxiety and depression (Beckerman, Auerbach, & Blanco, 2011).  Stress brings its own set of ailments and having Lupus can trigger certain flare-ups to happen. These flare ups can range from becoming fatigue and lacking stamina because of a depressive state (Beckerman, Auerbach, & Blanco, 2011). Others can be lack of sleep and/or not eating well and failing to take SLE medication and therapy.  

Theories and Models

The Biomedical model teaches what is known or assume about disability. It gets to the core of how it controls and structures our ability to cope and process a disease. Yet the Functional and Environmental model gives information on how far one can go. It also assist in controlling what is allowed within the healing environment (Marini & Stebnick, 2018). Initially one would think the understanding of SLE would come primarily from these two models. However the sociopolitical model assists in understanding the day to day life of living with a disability (Marini & Stebnick, 2018). Lupus is still among the disabilities that are not considered a disability. When it comes to diagnosing and seeking disability assistance Lupus is hard to prove. With every ailment being closely related to others many suspect that a person is faking or does not appear sick. This is an imperative reason why the sociopolitical model is so essential to Lupus.

Social support is one of the many ways a person can remain healthy (Moldovan, Carr, & Nicassio, 2011). Yet this is also why many change their way of communication and began to limit interactions. Because many do not understand Lupus, it is difficult to explain when in pain if a person appears well to others. It can become mentally, physically and emotionally strenuous to have to continue to explain that one is sick. Depending on the side effects of a person’s SLE it is possible to bounce back and forth between being well and sick within hours or minutes (Moldovan, Carr, & Nicassio, 2011). Making others theorize that it is a selective disease and not real.


How Those in Their Environment Can Help

(Lupus Foundation of America, 2017)

Family, friends and spouses are the biggest and most important throughout the journey. It is important to be attentive and non-judgmental. While giving support strengthen to the individual with Lupus. It is also important for the SLE recipient to respond in the same kind. Sometimes it is hard to give care to someone and can become exhausting. Thus creating care plans will be a necessity in helping everyone. Allowing the family to become one and bringing families together (Lupus Foundation of America, 2017). Get to know the Lupus but care for the person and ask them how to help them through it all. Remember being aware of triggers and eliminating roadblocks will limit stress. Not only that but it can help the family as well by nurturing healthy relationships.


Beckerman, N. L., Auerbach, C., & Blanco, I. (2011, April 05). Psychosocial dimensions of SLE: implications for the health care team. Retrieved June 12, 2021, from NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3093952/

Health One Family Medicine. (n.d.). Lupus: Causes and Symptoms. Retrieved June 09, 2021, from Health One Family Medicine: https://www.healthonemedicine.com/blog/lupus-causes-and-symptoms

Lupus Foundation of America. (2017, August 15). Sharing the Journey: Social Support. Retrieved June 09, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America: https://www.lupus.org/blog/sharing-the-journey-social-support#

Marini, I., & Stebnick, M. A. (2018). The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability 7th Ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Moldovan, I., Carr, F. N., & Nicassio, P. M. (2011). An overview of psychological functioning in systemic. Retrieved June 12, 2021, from Future Medicine Ltd: https://www.openaccessjournals.com/articles/an-overview-of-psychological-functioning-in-systemic-lupus-erythematosus.pdf

Monday, June 7, 2021

Lupus Living Perspective

 Lupus Living Perspective

(Lupus Foundation of America)

            Lupus can affect both men and women of any age. Women make up the majority of those whom are diagnosed with Lupus. This blog will focus on the male perspective of living with Lupus. This will give an insight and different outlooks on coping, physical, psychological and social developments. The Living Perspective chosen is Nick Cannon. Nick is an Entertainer, Actor, Father, Business Professional and TV personality. Nick is also currently and ambassador for Lupus of America in Washington.

Self-Concept and Perceptions

            A person living with disabilities may not see themselves as such and have high self-esteem. The self-concept of identity issues comes along when others judge based on appearance (Marini & Stebnick, 2018). Persons labeled as disabled often do not recognize it as a disabilities but instead as an advantage. For those whom do not understand the positive perceptions of disabilities are the ones whom are deleterious. Why would it be bad to be in a wheelchair, blind, deaf, or even have Lupus? Based on society it is because it is not acceptable to be anything other than perfect or “normal”.

How this Affects Those Coping with the Disability

            Nick described coping with Lupus by accepting it, living with it and don’t give up. Complying and working with doctors and learning that this is not the end will assist in surviving the disease (Lupus Foundation of America, 2017). Frequently people living with Lupus cope with this internal struggle, making it common for outsiders to think nothing is wrong. Many seek spiritual and medicinal remedies to cope with pain and mental health. With the continuous feeling of being sick some learn to live with it while working. Nick found that by not listening to warning signs the body gives and in some cases this can cause death (TV, 2018).

How Disability Impacts Physical Development 

            Lupus causes the body to go through various changes. Some of which are rapid while others may lay dormant and not show unless under server stress. A coupe of the common side effects of Lupus is fatigue and loss of physical functions. Exercising can help alleviate theses symptoms. However it can also cause flare ups so it is important to know personal limits (Mahieu, et al., 2016). Even with physically conditioning to gain relief, does not mean there will not be pain sometimes. Nick describes the physical aspect of Lupus as days where the illness overtakes your body (TV, 2018) Nick believes knowing you have Lupus allows you focus on your health and physical wellbeing (Lupus Foundation of America, 2017).

How Disability Impacts Psychological Development 

            Physical pain can cause psychological pain as well. Although it may not feel the same it can have the same cause and effect. During the interview Nick viewed it as its okay to not be okay. Having a support system is beneficial to everyone (Lupus Foundation of America, 2017). Lupus does not only affect the person with the disease but also those around. Friends, family and loved ones do not want to see the pain that cannot be helped but only lived through. Nick has had many scares of death and several pulmonary embolisms of which not many survive. The feeling of always being ready to die and dealing with pain will become the apart of life. That makes life worth living and every day and moment free of pain is one that is appreciated and not taken for granted (TV, 2018).

How Disability Impacts Social Development

The best way to get past all the emotional stress of Lupus is to get active. One of the main things that Nick felt helped was getting involved and getting to know the illness. Being around persons with like diagnosis can help with not feeling alone (Lupus Foundation of America, 2017). Although not a true statement in some cases, alone is one of the main feelings many persons living with a disease or disability express. The immediate fear of death or being a burden often isolates a person into not wanting to socialize with others. If one begins to get involved and learning more about what is (or not) to come, some of these fears may dissipate overtime. Nick gives the advice of living in the moment and no longer focusing on the future helps with focusing on those around now (TV, 2018).

Please see attached videos for more information on Lupus Living Perspective: Nick Cannon





Lupus Foundation of America. (2017, August 07). Nick Cannon talks about Living with Lupus. Retrieved June 07, 2021, from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uD5P5BT_Bk

Lupus Foundation of America. (n.d.). Nick Cannon, Lupus Warrior. Retrieved June 07, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America: https://www.lupus.org/personal-stories/nick-cannon-lupus-warrior

Mahieu, M. A., Ahn, G., Chmiel, J., Dunlop, D., Helenowski, I., Semanik, P., et al. (2016, 10 February). Fatigue, patient reported outcomes, and objective measurement of physical activity in systemic lupus erythematosus. Retrieved June 07, 2021, from Sage Journals: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0961203316631632

Marini, I., & Stebnick, M. A. (2018). The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability 7th Ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

TV, T. O. (2018, October 01). Nick Cannon Living with Lupus: Doctors Say "You've Arrived Too Late" | Uncensored. Retrieved June 07, 2021, from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E1t13_pK6A

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Thomas Lupus SDCE

Lupus: S.D.C.E.


 (Weinhouse, 2019)

Lupus can start without a person being aware of what is taking place in their body. Most may feel as if it is just general sickness and do not seek care. Commonly a person may begin to experience skin rashes or swelling within the body. In addition to fatigue, sleeping problems and hair loss, thus making Lupus a disease that is difficult to diagnose (Olesińska & Saletra, 2018). Lupus is an autoimmune disorder which can have various internal effects. Remember every person can have different symptoms, ranging mild to server depending on the patient’s genetics and/or susceptibility to diseases. (See Above Chart) 

Disability Impacts Development

The development of Lupus varies and some environmental factors may be the cause. Not often is the environment considered as part of the reason behind illness. If it is not a common cold or flu then it has to be genetics. However, what happens when genetics are altered based on the environment. Environmental triggers can be as simple as being out in the sun; or going through life stressors which cause emotional and mental exhaustion. (Lupus Foundation of America, 2016) Not to forget the chemical exposures that can add to the development, symptoms and triggers that may progress the disease. These can be found in medications taken for symptoms or illnesses that derive from a common cold. Pneumonia is one of those ailments that are associated within SLE patients. Lupus primarily attacks the central nervous system; this means there is also an attack on the brain. Overtime depending on the severity, these attacks could lead to further impairment. Due to this internal struggle Lupus is not often seen as a disability. Typically because it is a hidden disease that battleground is internal.

Disability Impacts Cognitive Skills

            The brain fog is one of the main cognitive dysfunctions when it comes to dealing with Lupus. Patients are often mentally drained and have issues with concentration (Ho, Husain, & Ho, 2018). Depending on chemical imbalance or attack on the central nervous system patients will have different severities. It is found that 20-80 % of patients can show signs of depressive and/or cognitive dysfunction (Ho, Husain, & Ho, 2018). Being that this is normal amongst those with SLE it is imperative that patients are diagnosed early.

Disability Impacts Emotions 

            Lupus is an unpredictable and incurable disease that can cause death if not treated. Yet if treated there are lifelong disabilities that will evolve. SLE requires lifestyle changes and medication regimes that can be both mentally and physically ailing. All these factors cause immediate emotional instability as the disease changes. Combining all this and the emotions are the most impacted. 61.6% of persons living with Lupus experience emotional changes or imbalance (Lupus Foundation of America, 2019). Depression is high amongst these as the cognitive chemical imbalances play a key component. Not to mention hormones being one of the major triggers in being diagnosed with Lupus. This is the reason why more women than men are diagnosed with SLE.


Ho, R. C., Husain, S. F., & Ho, C. S. (2018, August 28). Cognitive dysfunction in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: The challenge in diagnosis and management. Retrieved June 01, 2021, from Sage Journals: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2059902118792434

Lupus Foundation of America. (2016, November 28). What causes lupus? Retrieved June 01, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America: https://www.lupus.org/resources/what-causes-lupus

Lupus Foundation of America. (2019, May 09). New Survey Finds Lupus Greatly Affects Emotional and Mental Well-Being. Retrieved June 02, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America: https://www.lupus.org/news/new-survey-finds-lupus-greatly-affects-emotional-and-mental-wellbeing

Olesińska, M., & Saletra, A. (2018, February 28). Quality of life in systemic lupus erythematosus and its measurement. Retrieved May 31, 2021, from NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5911658/

Weinhouse, B. (2019, March 04). 16 Lupus Symptoms You Can’t Afford to Ignore. Retrieved May 31, 2021, from Creeky Joints: https://creakyjoints.org/about-arthritis/lupus/lupus-symptoms/lupus-signs-and-symptoms/

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Thomas Lupus: Introduction


(Color Atlas of Pediatric Dermatology Samuel Weinberg, 2008)

Historical and Contemporary Overview

            The history Lupus goes back to 400 BC when Hippocrates began diagnosing skin lesions. Although not aware, the lesions that were listed as herpes were in fact signs and symptoms of Lupus.  Over time and leading into the 12th century terms began to change based on the location of the lesion and/or ulcers. By the mid-19th century facial and upper body skin diseases began to be known as Lupus erythematosus and Lupus vulgaris. Throughout this time more signs and characteristics of the disease began to develop and studies began to show variations. Lupus was not evolving but it was becoming more complexed while remain the same. During the 1900’s scientist and medical professionals began to associate Lupus with other disease. One case that existed was in a female child whom showed one of the first signs of the now known butterfly facial rash. This pattern is known as an immediate sign of possible Lupus diagnosis. Emmanuel Libman and Benjamin Sacks then studied the body and blood and confirmed the relation of the erythema. This was in conjunction of a previous study conducted by Olser. With the help of this information and conclusion they named the disease as Libman-Sacks Syndrome.

            The studies continued on and used several patients that had diverse levels of skin diseases. The studies even included those whom were interrelated to have syphilis. The test conducted for syphilis gave false positives for those whom carried the lupus gene. This allowed further understanding of the connection and metamorphosis of the SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) and LE (lupus erythematosus) antibodies. Hargraves gave us the final understanding that brought together years of study, research and misconceptions. Lupus was finally able to be tested as a single disease and the classifications then began to develop.

            The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) used Hargraves classifications and developed them until around 1997. The set classifications allowed immediate medical care in patients that may have had mild symptoms. Even with the knowledge and studies some still remain underdiagnosed and/or not diagnosed at all due to not having active symptoms. As in earlier times patients would require the physical sign of lesions and/or ulcers. Now there are blood tests that can confirm the presences of SLE or LE. 

(Medicine (Baltimore), 2018)

Stereotypes and Stereotypical Thinking

One of the primary stereotypical thinking for Lupus is that it does not exist. Many see lupus as a non-invasive ailment that happens to only older women. That is all false SLE/LE can happen to anyone no matter race, color or nationality. There are a greater percentage of women diagnosed with SLE/LE. However, men can also have Lupus and both can die from it if not treated. Leading to another myth that people cannot die from SLE/LE, instead just have poor health.

Stereotyping Lupus patients as not caring about health is something that is seen throughout the medical environment.  SLE/LE ailments can mimic other symptoms.  Allowing Lupus to be misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed because of symptoms that are concealed by others. Lupus is usually diagnosed between the teen years and/or before 30 years of age. During that time treatment is often focused on age rather than symptoms. For example, a young man age 20 has a rash with muscle and joint pain. Physician will assume young, active and will treat with over the counter medications. There would not be a thought that this rash could be SLE/LE, thus no testing. Only after approximately 6 months to a year of treatment, will the physician considered other alternative issues. Lupus is generally the last testing to be completed in younger adults.

Cultural Perceptions

            However, those whom are treated often resent the treatment or do not like the side effects of medications or the disease. Lupus can take over and leave burdens on life and its changes. SLE/LE can cause physical limitations due to internal organ damage. To correct these issue patients must adhere to a strict medication regime. This can be retributive in teen to early adult ages. Not to mention both emotionally and mentally challenging. Imagine living a life by medications and exercise but no enjoyment of career or family. Depending on the access to treatment and severity of the disease this is the life of those living with Lupus.

Works Cited

Color Atlas of Pediatric Dermatology Samuel Weinberg, N. S. (2008). Vascular, Lymphatic and Systemic Conditions. Retrieved May 25, 2021, from MedicineNet: https://www.medicinenet.com/image-collection/systemic_lupus_erythematosus_1_picture/picture.htm

David J. Tunnicliffe, D. S.-G.-W. (2015, September 28). Lupus Means Sacrifices: Perspectives of Adolescents and Young Adults With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Retrieved May 26, 2021, from Wiley Online Library: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/acr.22749

Medicine (Baltimore). (2018, October 19). Diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus by presence of Hargraves cells in eosinophilic pleural effusion. Retrieved May 25, 2021, from NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6211931/

Norman, R. A. (2016, January 19). Lupus: Open Access. Retrieved May 25, 2021, from www.longdom.org: https://www.longdom.org/open-access/the-history-of-lupus-erythematosus-and-discoid-lupus-fromhippocrates-to-the-present-Lupus-1000102.pdf

Lupus: Conduct

                                                                Lupus: Conduct Lupus is a protect disability according to rules and regula...