Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Thomas Lupus SDCE

Lupus: S.D.C.E.


 (Weinhouse, 2019)

Lupus can start without a person being aware of what is taking place in their body. Most may feel as if it is just general sickness and do not seek care. Commonly a person may begin to experience skin rashes or swelling within the body. In addition to fatigue, sleeping problems and hair loss, thus making Lupus a disease that is difficult to diagnose (Olesińska & Saletra, 2018). Lupus is an autoimmune disorder which can have various internal effects. Remember every person can have different symptoms, ranging mild to server depending on the patient’s genetics and/or susceptibility to diseases. (See Above Chart) 

Disability Impacts Development

The development of Lupus varies and some environmental factors may be the cause. Not often is the environment considered as part of the reason behind illness. If it is not a common cold or flu then it has to be genetics. However, what happens when genetics are altered based on the environment. Environmental triggers can be as simple as being out in the sun; or going through life stressors which cause emotional and mental exhaustion. (Lupus Foundation of America, 2016) Not to forget the chemical exposures that can add to the development, symptoms and triggers that may progress the disease. These can be found in medications taken for symptoms or illnesses that derive from a common cold. Pneumonia is one of those ailments that are associated within SLE patients. Lupus primarily attacks the central nervous system; this means there is also an attack on the brain. Overtime depending on the severity, these attacks could lead to further impairment. Due to this internal struggle Lupus is not often seen as a disability. Typically because it is a hidden disease that battleground is internal.

Disability Impacts Cognitive Skills

            The brain fog is one of the main cognitive dysfunctions when it comes to dealing with Lupus. Patients are often mentally drained and have issues with concentration (Ho, Husain, & Ho, 2018). Depending on chemical imbalance or attack on the central nervous system patients will have different severities. It is found that 20-80 % of patients can show signs of depressive and/or cognitive dysfunction (Ho, Husain, & Ho, 2018). Being that this is normal amongst those with SLE it is imperative that patients are diagnosed early.

Disability Impacts Emotions 

            Lupus is an unpredictable and incurable disease that can cause death if not treated. Yet if treated there are lifelong disabilities that will evolve. SLE requires lifestyle changes and medication regimes that can be both mentally and physically ailing. All these factors cause immediate emotional instability as the disease changes. Combining all this and the emotions are the most impacted. 61.6% of persons living with Lupus experience emotional changes or imbalance (Lupus Foundation of America, 2019). Depression is high amongst these as the cognitive chemical imbalances play a key component. Not to mention hormones being one of the major triggers in being diagnosed with Lupus. This is the reason why more women than men are diagnosed with SLE.


Ho, R. C., Husain, S. F., & Ho, C. S. (2018, August 28). Cognitive dysfunction in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: The challenge in diagnosis and management. Retrieved June 01, 2021, from Sage Journals:

Lupus Foundation of America. (2016, November 28). What causes lupus? Retrieved June 01, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America:

Lupus Foundation of America. (2019, May 09). New Survey Finds Lupus Greatly Affects Emotional and Mental Well-Being. Retrieved June 02, 2021, from Lupus Foundation of America:

Olesińska, M., & Saletra, A. (2018, February 28). Quality of life in systemic lupus erythematosus and its measurement. Retrieved May 31, 2021, from NCBI:

Weinhouse, B. (2019, March 04). 16 Lupus Symptoms You Can’t Afford to Ignore. Retrieved May 31, 2021, from Creeky Joints:


  1. Hey Jessica, 

    I loved your second blog about lupus. Lupus is something I was unfamiliar with until I read more about it through your blog. I feel as if there are so many symptoms one may have that could be lupus. I found a video that breaks the symptoms down as well. I agree with you how some of the symptoms are so hard to diagnosis what they may be caused by. Like myself, I have lack of circulation in my hands and toes causing them to turn blue, but this is from raynards disease. So I can see how she symptoms may be hard to diagnose lupus. Some symptoms mentioned in the video are your fingers and toes turning white or blue and numb, chest pain when breathing and sensitivity to the sun. The video also discusses how it is key for one to have an early diagnosis for preventing long term consequences of lupus. This relates to what you mentioned about how lupus is an unpredictable and incurable disease that can cause death if not treated. It's crazy to think that one noticing these symptoms at a quicker pace can be the difference between life and death.

  2. Thomas / Lupus

    I loved your blog. Lupus symptoms are more varied than I thought. I never knew that the symptoms are so varied that they are different for most sufferers. I found your point on environment to be spot on. I believe the environment is to blame for more illnesses than we give it credit for. And you made a great point of avoiding medications of all sorts.Another good point you exposed is brain fog is a term we are hearing more and more as covid 19 long haulers recuperate from the virus. The butterfly rash is one of the strangest things I have ever seen. Of the lupus symptoms that are internal, this one is the most obvious and disheartening.


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